Why Logan Paul's Subscribers WENT UP After Controversy

Despite widespread outrage, Logan Paul's fans don't seem to mind his Suicide Woods video.
  • Less than a week into January and it’s fair to say 2018 has been a bad year for Logan Paul. Or has it?
    Throughout the week, we heard a lot of anger toward Logan from his fellow YouTubers, mainstream media & celebrities, but long time Logan fans were one group we didn't hear a ton of anger from.
    In fact, a portion of Logan’s fanbase spent the week personally attacking Reina Scully with racist slurs, after she posted a video explaining why Logan’s video was so offensive. Watch her video below.
  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com
  • Logan’s trip to Japan was not well received, even aside from his video of the Suicide Woods.  
    In Logan’s video from December 30th, “We Fought In The Middle Of Tokyo!” — he records himself walking in the middle of the street & sticking his camera in people’s faces and in their cars.
  • Source: www.youtube.com / Via: www.youtube.com
  • It’s one thing to be the “annoying goofball” character in Western culture, but in places like Japan, it’s a far more offensive concept. Japan has strict privacy laws about filming and photography, even in public places. But, what does he care? He’s a maverick, and being obnoxious is the the ultimate sign of being a maverick, right?
    While you might think all of this negative attention has had a negative impact on Logan, his subscribers have actually increased since his original Suicide Woods video was posted.
    So, for all of the outrage… Logan doesn’t seem to be losing any fans.
    In fact, the day after the Suicide video went mainstream, 81,000 people subscribed to his channel — before the scandal, he was adding about 17,000 new subscribers daily. Which begs the question — is there such thing as “bad press” on YouTube?
    Part of the reason Logan’s suicide video accumulated so many views is that it was the top video in YouTube’s “Trending” section before the video was removed — and the video was removed by Logan himself, not by YouTube.
    Now, there’s 2 issues with Logan Paul’s suicide video appearing in YouTube’s Trending section. First, you have the most popular video sharing platform in the world actively recommending to users a video showing a corpse in an exploitative way. And secondly, the curation process for YouTube’s Trending section is, at best, opaque.
    While a lot of people said that Logan’s video was obviously offensive and wrong, including Logan himself — his fans didn't seem to particularly mind.
    So what’s the solution here? How can YouTube and social media be better in 2018 and beyond? Let us know in the comments.
Why Logan Paul's Subscribers WENT UP After Controversy Why Logan Paul's Subscribers WENT UP After Controversy Reviewed by NEW4TOPICS on 2:33 PM Rating: 5

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