1. This mom who is so grateful her ex found a partner who loves her daughter so much, she bought them matching scrubs:
2. This mom who made her daughter this necklace:
3. This family who made matching shirts to show their daughter their support:
4. This sweet dad who bought groceries for his child's mother even though the two are not together:
5. This divorced couple who continues to take photos with their kid every year:
6. This mom who wrote this heartfelt tribute to her ex, the father of her son:
7. This mom and stepmom who always put their daughter first:
8. These parents' divorce selfie that shows divorce doesn't have to be a sad thing:
9. This mom who is grateful for her ex (the father of her child):
These 9 Parents Have Perfectly Mastered Co-Parenting And My Heart Is Bursting
Reviewed by NEW4TOPICS
9:43 AM
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